Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Are you literally FEEDING your diabetes?
Apparently, this gentleman has found that there is a particular health food that "feeds" diabetes. While I don't personally suffer with diabetes, I have many readers and followers that do. For this reason, I thought you would want to see his story. His wife's life was spared based on what his research found. It's a very interesting video (he also gives you the option to read his story). Here's just a portion of the article:

"Are you literally FEEDING your diabetes putting this one “health” food on your dinner plate? This is important! You must stop eating this food today or you could be doubling the speed at which your diabetes progresses. Skeptical? I was too... until I saw the proof. You'll be shocked too when you see just how common this food is. (In fact, Americans are encouraged to eat more of it!)..."  
Click Here To See More Of His Story

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